East Midlands Gateway


Type of Development:

Consenting Route:



2014 and ongoing

Rail Freight Interchange and 8m sq.ft warehousing

Development Consent Order

Adjacent to Junction 24 M1

Roxhill Developments Ltd/Segro plc

A new rail freight interchange along with approximately 8m sq. ft. of warehousing located adjacent to Junction 21 of the M1 motorway and East Midlands Airport.

The scheme is the subject of The East Midlands Gateway Rail Freight Interchange and Highways Order 2016 SI No.17 which authorises the erection of the rail freight interchange and warehousing along with extensive works to Junction 24 and the provision of a bypass around the village of Kegworth.

Whilst at Eversheds Sutherland Morag advised from the outset of the promotion of the scheme and took the scheme through the complex frontloaded process of applying for a Development Consent Order under the Planning Act 2008.  Morag represented Roxhill Developments at all hearings held during the Examination. She has continued to advise on implementation.

The highway works and rail freight terminal have now been completed and a large proportion of the warehousing erected and occupied.